Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Our words of wisdom video was an interview of my mother Jessica, a nurse in in the OB GYN section of the hospital, talking about her experiences in nursing and being a single mom. For the project we -Charlotte, Imani, and One- filmed the interview of Jessica in front of her desk (the background was blurry anyways) and we had her talk about her job and some other things. For the interview we had Jessica were a mic so that we would get good sound quality and made sure we had natural lighting. After we watched over the interview and made sure it was good quality and had enough material to finish the video, we filmed the B-Roll. To film the B-Roll we got some shots of the college she went to, the outside of the hospital, Her talking and working with a patient(an actor), some shots of her and her family, and some other stuff. After we got the interview and B-Roll we recorded the voiceovers. Then we edited the video and we had a good finished video story. The words of wisdom in our video was to, no matter what keep on trying,but also to follow your heart and your mind. She talked about how she was a single mother going through college and working in the hospital and how rewarding it is for her to work and help women through their pregnancies.  

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