Monday, May 12, 2014

Metamorphosis Animation

For the past couple of weeks we have been doing an animation project in GT. Our project was called Adventure Alters Jack. It is about two stick figure drawings that fall in love and live in a paper world, Sally then gets ripped away from him and thrown into the garbage. He went on adventures to find her and eventually got reunited. We had to do three different types of animation and we chose stop motion, claymation, and digital animation. For the stop motion we filmed Imani walking, pages in the journal turning, and the paper ripping(we didn't actually video film but we took tons of pictures to create a sort of flip book effect). Then for the claymation we had to film Jack coming out of the portal, walking and climbing into the trashcan. Then for digital animation we used the Stykz program to do the journal scenes and the end scene. After we finished editing we exported and presented it to the class. We got voted exceeds requirements and best in our class by 61%. I was proud of our video and was glad to have been able to learn all of the different animation types. 

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