Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile story

Before working on the final HIKI NO video we did a practice story. The practice story was an interview on Imani about her plans for school and the future. We asked her about what she likes to do, what school she wants to go to, etc.. The purpose of doing this practice video was to get us ready for the actual Hiki No video and to practice sequencing and great composition techniques. We chose Imani as a subject because she is interested in art and we though it would make an intriguing story. It didn't end up being SUPER entertaining or inspiring but it was good for our first interview video.


  1. I love your background! It makes your blog look cool.

  2. Your background looks reallycool. Also I love that your text is easy to read.

  3. Why did you choose Imani to interview instead of anyone else? By the way I really like your background.

    1. We chose Imani to interview because I know that Imani would like to be an actress in the future and because no one else really had anything interesting to talk about ^.^

  4. Great blog, Cambria! How did you come up with the concept of interviewing someone on their future?

    1. We came up with the concept because none of us really played sports and it was the most interesting thing we could think of >~<. Plus the future is kind of something we are all thinking about so I just thought we could talk about Imani's plans for the future.
